Saturday, January 5, 2008


yes, yes. So what if I'm watching "family guy" while having colourful soft jelly strips.

Oh, Happy new year everyone. First post for year 2008.

So, 2007 was a year where I decided to end what doesn't feels right and decided I deserve more.

2007 was a year where I went all out to avoid anything that doesn't feels right. and it wasn't not right, now that I'm clear.

2007 was a year where at first I thought I would rather spend on study. 2007 became a year where I, in the midway, feels that studying is not the most important thing in life.

2007 was a year where I have also decided to take up heavier responsibilities in an organization that had changed me quite personally.

2007 was also a year when later I've learnt that it's not possible for me to be with a person who have all the quality you wanted, rich, promising career, and other overload of good qualities, but it has to lie on something more. So now I realized that simply marrying a millionaire and be happy with it is not an option for me.

2007 resolution that I've promised myself has been kept.

2007 was a exciting year. A year where I've learn to fall but knowing that there will be people behind me that will not let me fall.

That's why I guess, stealing and keeping the "7" might just be able to help us to do greater in "8".

Yes, you know what I mean.

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